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Enhance Your Growth

Group coaching with TJ will allow you to embrace your authentic self and live a life of infinite possibilities!


Take the next step in shifting your life from

unconscious to conscious creation!



  • Unlimited 90-minute group coaching sessions with TJ Woodward (Each Monday evening from 6:00 - 7:30 PT starting on January 6th)

  • 8 Self-Paced Modules that include videos, reading material, and writing exercises

  • Conscious Creation book and workbook shipped to your home

Group Coaching with TJ

TJ is excited to announce his latest offering: Conscious Creation Course and Group Coaching


He created Conscious Creation Coaching to assist you in embracing the life of your dreams, utilizing his powerful and effective 5-step process.


1. Making Peace with the Past 

2. Overcoming Core False Beliefs 

3. Visioning 

4. Intention Setting 

5. Embodying Your Vision.


Conscious Creation Coaching will help you create a new M.O.V.I.E. for your life and shift your life from un-conscious creation to conscious creation. ​


Sign up today to start the online modules.

Group coaching begins on Monday, January 6th!


COST: $399 per month

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